awards clearwater elementary

Kids Graduation

11:58 AMApril Clements

My honey bunnies are officially home for the summer! Caden and Colton did wonderful in school again this year. There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank the Lord for ever blessing we have received. My kids are great kids. And yes I am taking the time to totally brag lol. They're amazing and I want them to know how proud I am of them for all their hard work. Colton just passed 3rd grade and will be going to the 4th grade of course! Caden just finished his last year of Elementary school. Gosh it feels like it was just yesterday that he was starting Kindergarten and I was crying my eyes out. He will be going to middle school this year and my youngest Cameron will be starting Kindergarten. Ahh its so bittersweet! Here are a few pictures of my honeys and all their awards they got at the Awards ceremony.



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